Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I know this poem looks different in several ways. The reason for it not matching the previous posts is that I had to import it as a picture, instead of text. I did this because, as a diamonte, the poem should have a diamond shape, and I wasn't able to figure out how to use a "centering" command on it, in the blog.

Another thing about this poem is a definite feeling of contempt for modern man. I actually don't feels this was ... not completely ... but I was on a roll, writing the poem and this is how it presented itself to me.

Have a beautiful evening/morning?.


  1. In Blogger, click 'Posting' tab, click the 'New Post' tab, click the 'Compose' tab, click the drop down arrow next to the 'Alignment' icon, select the centered icon (second from top).

  2. Thanks "Anonymous!" I've been working on the poems, and haven't put the time in on anything else.
