One of my very favorites is
The Narwhal of the North
Oh so shy and secretive
He rarely does come forth.
Lonely days and silent nights
He spends below the surface
Beneath the polar crust
Enjoying his silent place.
Sailor, in this mythic beast
He certainly believes
One long tusk a hole it pokes
That is how he breathes.
The tusk it really is a tooth
It’s grown so hard and long
Don’t stand above him on the ice or,
You’ll get skewered on this prong.
The Narwhal of the North
Oh so shy and secretive
He rarely does come forth.
Lonely days and silent nights
He spends below the surface
Beneath the polar crust
Enjoying his silent place.
Sailor, in this mythic beast
He certainly believes
One long tusk a hole it pokes
That is how he breathes.
The tusk it really is a tooth
It’s grown so hard and long
Don’t stand above him on the ice or,
You’ll get skewered on this prong.
Ken Goree
I really do intend to add to this poem down the road, but I was headed out to my friend's birthday party. It is another one of her 29th birthdays.