Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Too long, My Friend

So good to see your smiling face brighten
When you notice I’ve walked in the room
As I see you, my cares all do lighten
You cheer senses, as flowers in full bloom

Per chance do you, remember a time when
Late in the night, not heeding the darkness
Until early morning, we talked long in
A thing of wonder, friendship is ageless

This time is ours, sit down, we’ll now catch up
To end eve’ning seems like all is awry
Many a time my trust has been backed up
Prolong parting, hating to say goodbye

Your happiness I will always defend
I was sad that it’s been, too long my friend

Ken Goree

I thought it was about time I tried my hand at a sonnet.  It took a bit of concentration and effort.  Did Shakespeare really write entire plays in this form?

The inspiration for this poem, is friendship, obviously.  Lately, I've able to get together with friends that I haven't seen for a while, and I am trying line up lunch dates with a couple of others.  It makes me remember each time, the definition I once heard for true friendship: It doesn't matter the distance and time between meetings. True friends fall back into conversation and warm closeness as if they were continuing a great conversation or bold adventure which they had been involved with, the day before.

I love that feeling.

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